Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Culture Standard Questions EXAMPLE

Culture Standard for Bucket List: THIS IS MY EXAMPLE for you to refer to and help you expand your response. 

1. What is your culture? Meaning…what is your family heritage, what are those things unique to your family? (things that make your family unique….Traditions? Habits? Events?)

I don't know a lot about my cultural background. This gives me an opportunity to explore a lot within my culture and heritage. I know that I am a Seattle-ite by birth and that I have a lot of love, admiration, and appreciate for the Seattle scene.  My name is french and I think it would be worthy to know more about my name. Things that are unique to my heritage? I come from a family of artists and writers. I am related to Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous writer. I know that I have a sprinkling of a few different nationalities, but wonder where my ancestors descended from. My brother has been really big into finding that information out. Because my last name is rare, I know there must be some unique data about that.

2. What are 3 things you can include on your bucket list that celebrate YOUR culture, either in your family or heritage?

1. I want to hear someone say my name and write my name in French.
2. I want to read an entire book by Ralph Waldo Emerson, my great great great uncle
3. I want to buy a piece of artwork from Seattle that profoundly speaks to me. 
4. I want to perform Activism within Seattle

3. How will these 3 events build relationships within your culture? How will they make your life stronger/better as a result of doing them?

1. Having a piece of artwork from HOME will constantly remind me that Seattle has helped mold the person I am today, as well as keep me grounded when I get homesick.
2. I will know and understand the power of writing that has been passed down in my genes as well as inspire me to finally write something of my own.
3. I will be more connected to my name by matching the oral and the written to the name itself.
4. I will know my activism desire and roots are rooted in the place I was raised and remind me to always choose to stand up for what I believe, which is the reason I came to Alaska in the first place.  

4. What are things that are unique to your generation (which is considered your pop culture/environmental culture) that YOU are a part of?

Grunge music is unique to my generation. Concerts and appreciation for music in general are big parts of my generation. Also, having some rebellion is relevant to my culture. Also, since my generation is all in our 30's, the current aspect relative to my generation is living life to it's fullest while balancing responsibility. MTV was a big one as well. 

5. What 2 things can you add to your bucket list that are unique to your generational culture? Why, SPECIFICALLY, are you choosing these things?

1. Attend a grunge festival, head banging, moshing, and dancing, along with the crowd. Buying a t-shirt to wear FOREVER would seal this deal.
2. Write a song about the things that are relative to my generational culture.

6. Where you live and are raised is a part of your culture. What 2 things can you add to your bucket list that EMBRACE your Alaskan culture? Why, specifically, did you pick these two things?

 I live in Alaska now, and although I am not from here, I consider myself to be Alaskan. There are things I want to do to embrace that.
1. I want to live in the woods for three weeks straight.
2. I want to climb Denali. If not to the summit, at least all the trail system around Denali Park.

7. Give two things to your bucket list where you celebrate/experience someone else’s culture?

1. Attend a Chinese New Year Festival
 2. Dress, and be involved in Highland Games (wearing a kilt) and trying to play the bagpipes.

8. Why did you choose these two things for your bucket list?

1. I love Asian cultures and customs and this event is very colorful and spiritual.
2. I love how attached to the Irish/Scottish culture people are and I want to experience the power that comes with the dance, music, and cultural events.

9. Why is it important to do #7?

answer this how you see fit. I am not going to answer this...because I don't want to influence or TAKE your answer.

10. How will all these cultural area experiences add to your life? Why is culture and cultural experiences important? 

answer this how you see fit. I am not going to answer this...because I don't want to influence or TAKE your answer.

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