Level 2: Graphic Organizers (addressing the 8 questions) for 10 bucket list items
Level 1: Graphic Organizers (addressing the 8 questions) for 8 bucket list items
Level E: Graphic Organizers (addressing the 8 questions) for 6 bucket list items
These are the questions:
Buried List Graphic “O” Questions
Why would you do this? Explain your thought behind it
What made you (led to) you coming up with this idea?
What would make this challenging (tell most feasible obstacles)
Tell when you think you want to do this and why at that time (time meaning
season/time of year, time period (like when you are old, or right now, etc.)
What might happen as a result? (what might happen next)
Paint a picture of how this would lay out (from start to finish). You have to
plan, prepare, execute, then reflect on things you do. Being very specific
Guess/Infer what various people’s POV’s would be (example, your friends might
think one thing, while officials might think another)
What is your ultimate goal in doing this activity? What do you want to
accomplish? Why is this a good bucket list goal?
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